Teaching Experience
Real Estate Program, University of Georgia
Economics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Teaching Assistant: Graduate
* Included in the List of Teachers Rated Excellent; ** Rated as “Outstanding” (Top 10%) based on student evaluations
^ Course not evaluated
Real Estate Program, University of Georgia
- Real Estate Principles - REAL 4000 (Fall 2017 - Present)
Economics Department, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign
Teaching Assistant: Graduate
- Economic Statistics - ECON 502 (Fall 2014**, Fall 2015**, Fall 2016*)
- Econometrics - ECON 506 (Spring 2015**, Spring 2016*, Spring 2017**)
- International Economics - ECON 532 (Fall 2013^)
- International Economics- ECON 450 (Fall 2013^)
* Included in the List of Teachers Rated Excellent; ** Rated as “Outstanding” (Top 10%) based on student evaluations
^ Course not evaluated